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International conference (2004)@@‘Û‰ï‹c”•\@2004”N
• FUZZ-IEEE 2004
A proposal of CMAC with Foresight Knowledge Layer For Heterogeneous Multi-agent System
›Y.Hoshino, A.Sakakura and K.Kamei
Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2004, pp.449-452, 2004
• International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Technology 2004
Modeling Designer's Color Placement Processes in Web Designs
›E.W.Cooper and K.Kamei
Proceedings of ICAIET 2004, pp.308-312, 2004
• IEEE International Conference on SMC 2004
A Townscape Evaluation System Based on Kansei and Colour Harmony Models
›Y.Kinoshita, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of IEEE SMC 2004, pp.327-332, 2004
• SCIS & ISIS 2004
A Reuse of Acquired Rules in Reinforcement Learning for Tactics of Hasami-Shogi
›Y.Hoshino, H.Hidaka and K.Kamei
Proceedings of SCIS & ISIS 2004, TUP-2-4 (6 pages), 2004
A Proposal of Reward Division Type Q-Learning with Reinforcement Flags and Its Application to a Maze Problem
›Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of SCIS & ISIS 2004, THE-1-4 (5 pages), 2004
An Acquisition of Fuzzy Rules for Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Classifier Systems
›H.Inoue and K.Kamei
Proceedings of SCIS & ISIS 2004, THE-1-5 (5 pages), 2004
• Asian Fuzzy System Symposiums 2004
An Application of Soft Computing to RETS: Rheumatic Evaluation and Treatment System by Oriental Medicine
›C.Thang, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (AFSS2004), pp.73-78, 2004
Maintenance of Building Blocks in GA Using Symbiotic Evolutionary Viruses
›Y.Sakakura, N.Taniguchi, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (AFSS2004), pp.154-158, 2004
International conference (2005)@@‘Û‰ï‹c”•\@2005”N
• IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control
Kansei Modeling of the Color Design Decision Process in Web Designs
›E.W.Cooper and K.Kamei
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, pp.615-620, 2005.3 (Tucson, USA)
• 1st International Conference ono Complex Medical Engineering
A Proposed Model of Soft Computing in Diagnosing Diseases and Prescribing Herbal Prescriptionsby Oriental Medicine
›C.Thang, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of The First International Conference ono Complex Medical Engineering CME2005, pp.904-908, 2005.5 (Takamatsu, Japan)
• 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Color Design Support by Color Selection Strategy Mapping Based on Designer Goals
›E.W.Cooper and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2005), 582.pdf in CD-ROM (4 pages), 2005.7 (Las Vegas, USA)
Development of Townscape Evaluation System for Colour Planning Support
›Y.Kinoshita, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2005), 1279.pdf in CD-ROM (9 pages), 2005.7 (Las Vegas, USA)
• Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence 2005
A Decision Support System for Rheumatic Evaluation and Treatment in Oriental Medicine Using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network
›C.Thang, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (MDAI 2005), pp.399-409, 2005.7 (Tsukuba, Japan)
Modeling Designers' Color Decision Processes through Emotive Choice Mapping
›E.W.Cooper, Y.Ishida and K.Kamei
Proceedings of Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (MDAI 2005), pp.410-420, 2005.7 (Tsukuba, Japan)
• 6th Japan-Korea International Symposium on Kansei Engineering
Evaluation of Townscape Colours in Kyoto Using Kansei and Colour Harmony Models
›Y.Kinoshita, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of the 6th Japan-Korea International Symposium on Kansei Engineering, p.366, 2005.9iTokyo, Japanj
• 6th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems
An Intelligent Captioning System for the Optimization of Image and Caption Visibility
›Y.Kinoshita, R.Shimizu, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.108-111, 2005.9 (Yeosu, Korea)
Proposed Intelligent Window Positioning System using Fuzzy Reasoning to Determine the Active Status of Windows
›Y.Hoshino, Y.Fukuda and K.Kamei
Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.91-94, 2005.9 (Yeosu, Korea)
A Proposal of Q-learning for Applying Experimental Konwledge about the Unknown Environment Heterogeneous Multi-agent System
›Y.Hoshino, A.Sakakura and K.Kamei
Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.860-864, 2005.9 (Yeosu, Korea)
• IEEE International Conference on SMC 2005
A Portfolio Selection by SOM and An Asset Allocation of Risk/Nonrisk Assets by Fuzzy Reasoning Using the Selected Brands
›I.Nakaoka, K.Tani, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man \& Cybernetics, Vol.3, pp.2769--2774 2005.10 (Hawai, USA)
International conference (2006)@@‘Û‰ï‹c”•\@2006”N
• The 11th IPMU International Conference
Apply Gaussian Distribution and RBF Neural Network to Diagnosis and Prescription High Blood Pressure Disease in Oriental Medicine
›C.Thang, Y.Hoshino, N.H.Phuong, E.W.Cooper and K.Kamei
Proceedings of The 11th IPMU (Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems) International Conference, pp.1136--1141, 2006 (Paris, France)
• 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
A Fuzzy Clustering Based Selection Method to Maintain Diversity in Genetic Algorithms
›Y.Sakakura, N.Taniguchi, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp.10364--10369, 2006.7 (Vancouver, Canada)
Townscape Colour Planning System Using an Evolutionary Algorithm and Kansei Evaluations
›Y.Kinoshita, Y.Sakakura, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp.10364--10369, 2006.7 (Vancouver, Canada)
• ICICIC 2006
A Proposal of Fuzzy Control System for Trailers Driven by Multiple Motors in Side Slipway to Launch and Pull Out Ships
›N.W.Aung, E.W.Cooper, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2006), Vol.II, pp.167--170, 2006.8 (Beijin, China)
• HUT-ICCE 2006
Application of Soft Computing to Tax Fraud Detection in Small Businesses
›C.Thang, P.Q.Toan, N.Q.Ha, E.W.Cooper and K.Kamei
Proceedings of First International Conference on Communications and Electronics (HUT-ICCE 2006) (CD version), 6 pages, 2006.10 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
• 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
A Bankruptcy Prediction Method Based on Cash Flow Using SOM
›I.Nakaoka, K.Tani, Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.2790-2795, 2006 (Taipei, Taiwan)