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International conference (1995) 国際会議発表 1995年
• 6th Human-Computer Interaction International
Extraction of Human "Kansei" Information from Calendars by Fuzzy Logic Theory
○K.Kamei, H.Ohtsubo and K.Inoue
Abridged Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, p.22 (1995.7) |
International conference (1996) 国際会議発表 1996年
Auto-Generation of Fuzzy Production Rules Using Hyper Elliptic Cone Membership Function by Gentic Algorithm
○H.Inoue, K.Kamei and K.Inoue Proceeing of IIZUKA'96 Methodologies for the Conception, Design, and Application of Intelligent Systems, pp.82-85 (1996) |
International conference (1997) 国際会議発表 1997年
• 7th IFSA World Congress
Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Production Rules Using Hyper Elliptic Cone Membership Function by Gentic Algorithm
○H.Inoue, K.Kamei and K.Inoue
Proceeing of Seventh IFSA World Congress, Vol.II, pp.383-388 (1997) |
International conference (1998) 国際会議発表 1998年
• 1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence
Rule Paring Method for Crossover in GA for Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Control Rules
○H.Inoue, K.Kamei and K.Inoue
1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Anchorage, USA, pp.1223-1228 (1998) |
• The Third Asian Fuzzy System Symposium (AFSS98)
FCM* Algorithm for Application to Fuzzy Control
The Third Asian Fuzzy System Symposium (AFSS98), Masan, Korea, pp.619-624 (1998) |
Rule Sorting Method for Fuzzy Rules Generation by Genetic Algorithms
○H.Inoue, K.Kamei and K.Inoue
Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems (IIZUKA'98), pp.805-808, Iizuka, Japan (1998) |
International conference (1999) 国際会議発表 1999年
• IMTKO-XV World Congress
A Proposal of Learning System with Fuzzy Rules under Large Environments
○Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
IMTKO-XV World Congress, pp.83-90 (1999) |
A Financial Analysis System on Optimistic-Pessimistic Axis
○K.Tani and K.Kamei
IMTKO-XV World Congress, pp.207-211 (1999) |
• International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
A Proposal of Learning System with Fuzzy Rules under Large Environments
○Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (CD-ROM Version), No.734 (6 pages) (1999) |
• 8th IFSA World Congress
A Financial Analysis System on Optimistic-Pessimistic Axis by Fuzzy Theory
○K.Tani and K.Kamei
The Eighth International Fuzzy Systenms Association World Congress, pp.1101-1105 (1999) |
• Human-Computer Interaction International 99
Color Balance in Color Placement Support Systems for Visualization
○E.Cooper and K.Kamei
Human-Computer Interaction International 99, pp.486-490 (1999) |
International conference (2000) 国際会議発表 2000年
• 4th Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium
Multi-Layer Fuzzy Model Using Iterative Transfer Window
○J-a.Zou, K.Kamei and K.Inoue
Proceedings of The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, pp.1045-1050 (2000) |
A Proposal of Reinforcement Learning with Fuzzy Environment Evaluation Rules and Its Application to Chess
○Y.Hoshino and K.Kamei
Proceedings of The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, pp.179-184 (2000) |