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Soft Intelligence Lab, Ritsumeikan University
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International conference (2007)  国際会議発表 2007年

• ICICIC 2007

J. Kushida, I. Nakaoka, K. Kamei, N.Taniguchi and Y. Hoshino:

○A Coevolutionary System for Development of Strategies in Poker Game
Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, C10-09, 4 pages (2007, Kumamoto, Japan)
International conference (2008)  国際会議発表 2008年

• ICICIC 2008

Proposal of Group Decision Support System Using SOM for Purchase of Automobiles

○I. Nakaoka, J. Kushida and K. Kamei
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, C07-07, 4 pages (2008, Dalian, China)

• SMC 2008

Proposal of Group Decision Support System for Commodity Purchase Using Kansei and SOM

○I. Nakaoka, J. Kushida and K. Kamei
Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 1396-1400 (2008, Shingapore)

• ISII 2008

Application of Co-Evolutionary System for Strategy Developments of Players in the Same Generation to Team Match-Up Games

○J. Kushida, I. Nakaoka, K. Kamei and Y. Hoshino
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII2008), 9 pages (2008, Kumamoto, Japan)
A Proposal of Group Decision Support System for Kansei Commodity Purchase Using SOM and Its Applications

○I. Nakaoka, M. Matsumura, J. Kushida and K. Kamei
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII2008), 10 pages (2008, Kumamoto, Japan)

• ICCE 2008

HEVS: Herbal effect visualization system for treatments in oriental medicine

○Cao Thang, Katsuari Kamei and Dang Tuan Linh
Second International Conference on Communications and Electronics, 2008. ICCE 2008, pp.48-53 (2008)


Self-Organizing Map for Visualization of Herbal Prescription Relations

○Cao Thang, Katsuari Kamei and Dang Tuan Linh
Proceedings of the National Conference on Applications of Medical informatics in Hospital Management, Jan. (2008)
International conference (2009)  国際会議発表 2009年

• 2nd Asian Joint Workshop on Information Technologies

Classification of Imbalanced Data Sets by Both Clustering of the Majority Class and Over-sampling of the Minority Class

○Hien M. Nguyen, Eric W. Cooper, Katsuari Kamei
Proceedings of the Second Asian Joint Workshop on Information Technologies, pp.67-68, (September 2009)
A Hybrid Kansei-Neuron Networks model in Strategic Innovation of Core Competencies

○Hai V. Pham, T. Cao, I. Nakaoka, J. Kushida, E. Cooper, K. Kamei
Proceedings of the 2rd Asian Joint Workshop on Information Technologies, pp.66, (September 2009)

• JSAHP2009

Web-based DSS Using SOM-AHP Model for Stock Market Investment

○Hai V. Pham, T. Cao, I. Nakaoka, J. Kushida, E. Cooper, K
Proceedings of the Japanese Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) - JSAHP2009. A-I-1, p38-39. (September 2009, Tokyo, Japan).

• IWAC09

A Proposal of Hybrid Kansei-SOM Model for Stock Market Investment

○Hai V. Pham, T. Cao, I. Nakaoka, E. Cooper, K. Kamei
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Aware Computing, pp.638-643 (September 2009, Fukushima, Japan).

•  IWCIA 2009

Borderline Over-sampling for Imbalanced Data Classification.

○Hien M. Nguyen, Eric W. Cooper, Katsuari Kamei
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications, pp.24-29 (November 2009, Hiroshima, Japan).
International conference (2010)  国際会議発表 2010年
Influence of Video Sharing Using Pseudo Synchronization to Emotional Intensity of Audience

○K.Kamei, A.Toyota and J.Kushida
Proceedings of Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2010), pp. 693-698 (2010 Okayama Japan)
A decision of data-compression algorithms for line segments using AHP

○M.Fujimoto, K.Kamei, E.Kinoshita
Journal of Japanese Symposium on The Analytic Hierarchy Process, No. 2, pp.xx--xx, 2010
A Web-based Decision Support System Using Hybrid SOM-AHP Model for Stock Market Investment

○H.V.Pham, C.Thang, I.Nakaoka, J.Kishida, E.W.Cooper and K.Kamei
Journal of Japanese Symposium on The Analytic Hierarchy Process, No. 2, pp.1--17, 2010
Actualization of Causality-Based Transparency and Accuracy in System Modeling with Human-Machine Collaboration

○D. Moritz Marutschke, Hiroshi Nakajima, Naoki Tsuchiya, Mitsuhiro Yoneda, Taro Iwami and Katsuari Kamei
International Journal of IntelligentComputing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing (IC-MED Journal), Vol. 3, N0. 2, pp. 131--141, 2010
Actualization of Causality-Based Transparency and Accuracy in System Modeling with Human-Machine Collaboration

○D. Moritz Marutschke, Hiroshi Nakajima, Naoki Tsuchiya, Mitsuhiro Yoneda, Taro Iwami and Katsuari Kamei
International Journal of IntelligentComputing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing (IC-MED Journal), Vol. 3, N0. 2, pp. 131--141, 2010
Causality Acquisition from A Large Sample of Vital Data for A Weight Change Prediction System

○D. Moritz Marutschke, Naoki Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Nakajima, Victor V.Kryssanov, Katsuari Kamei
Proceedings of World Automation Congress 2010, 2010 (Kobe, Japan)
Actualization of Causality-Based Transparency and Accuracy in System Modeling with Human-Machine Collaboration

○D. Moritz Marutschke, Hiroshi Nakajima, Naoki Tsuchiya, Mitsuhiro Yoneda, Taro Iwami and Katsuari Kamei
International Journal of IntelligentComputing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing (IC-MED Journal), Vol. 3, N0. 2, pp. 131--141, 2010
International conference (2011)  国際会議発表 2011年
Kansei Evaluation using Expert Sensibilities and Emotions for Collaborative Decision Making in Uncertain Environments

○Hai V. Pham, C. Thang, Khang D.T.,and K. Kamei
Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Cybernetics, 4 pages - CD ROM, March 2011, Tsukuba, Japan.
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Model using Collaborative Decision Making for Evaluation of Food Biotechnology

○Hai V. Pham, C. Thang, and K. Kamei
Proc. of the 3rd Regional Conference in Biotechnology "Towards the Biotechnology industry in the Region" (RC3BIO), pp.62-66, Hanoi, Vietnam, March, 2011
Online Learning from Imbalanced Data Streams

○Hien. M. Nguyen, Eric W. Cooper and Katsuari Kamei
Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2011), pp. 347--352, Oct. 2011, Dalian, China
Mining Imbalanced and Concept-Drifting Data Streams Using Support Vector Machines

○Hien. M. Nguyen, Eric W. Cooper and Katsuari Kamei
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2011), Dec. 2011, Kitakyushu, Japan
Human Reasoning Awareness Quantified by Self-Organizing Map using Collaborative Decision Making for Multiple Investment Models

○Hai V. Pham, Eric. W. Cooper, C. Thang, Khang D.T., and K. Kamei
The Fifth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2011), June 2011, Seoul, Korea.
Stochastic Investment Trading Model for Selection of Companies Under Uncertainty in Stock Markets

○H.V.Pham, E.W.Cooper and K.Kamei
Proceedings of The 43rd ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic SystemsTheory and Its Applications (SSS'11), October 2011, Shiga, Japan
An Estimation Model of English Abilities of Students Based on Their Affective Factors in Learning by Neural Network

○F. A. Bachtiar and K. Kamei
Proceedings of 2011 IFSA World Congress and AFSS International Conference (IFSA -AFSS 2011), Jun. 2011, Surabaya and Bali Island, Indonesia
Student Grouping by Neural Network Based on Affective Factors in Learning English

○F. A. Bachtiar, E. W. Cooper and K. Kamei
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on e-Education, Entertainment and e-Management (ICEEE 2011), Dec. 2011, Jakarta, Indonesia
Hybrid Artificial Neural Networks for TBM Performance Prediction in Complex Underground Conditions

○H.V.Pham, Yuji Fujita and K.Kamei
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2011), December 2011, Kyoto, Japan

最終更新日 : 05/25/2017 07:52:15